Hair Removal

8 Ways To Get Rid Of That Female Mustache

Nothing should cast a shadow on your radiance — especially some bit of shadow on your lip. Here are eight great ways of dealing with a so-called “lady ‘stache”:

Lose weight

Overweight women tend to produce more male hormones than do women at a healthy weight. Shedding pounds, then, will cause your body to produce fewer of these hormones, and you should see your female mustache become less noticeable.


This may not be the most attractive option. But it can rid you of your lady mustache, if only temporarily. You may have to shave daily to keep stubble away. Bear in mind, then, that some women get razor burn from shaving too frequently.


Waxing can be quite uncomfortable, especially if you have sensitive facial skin. You may experience rashes and redness. Yet it does remove hair by the root. This means you only have to wax your lip once every few weeks.

Use a depilatory

A depilatory cream destroys hair on the surface of your skin. You apply it to your lady ‘stache, leave it there for a bit, and then simply wipe it off. The cream takes the hair with it. Depilatories do have their drawbacks. They can irritate your skin. Also, they don’t remove hair by the root, so you have to use them frequently.

Get electrolysis

This professional treatment uses an electric current to zap your lady ‘stache’s hairs at the root. It can be costly, time-consuming, and uncomfortable. And it will take a few treatments before your lady ‘stache is gone for good.

Take birth control pills

A lady ‘stache that owes to too many male hormones may be kept in check with birth control pills. With regular use, you should see less facial hair. Keep in mind, however, that birth control pills won’t work if your excess facial hair owes to medications or genetics.

Try Vaniqa

This prescription cream slows hair growth wherever you apply it. But bear in mind that it won’t actually remove your lady ‘stache. For that you’ll first need to wax, shave, pluck, or what have you. And you’ll have to continue to do so as you use this cream.

Check out laser hair removal

With this method, a laser pulse is aimed at hair. The pulse damages pigment in the hair’s follicle and the damage slows the hair’s regrowth. Laser hair removal usually requires several sessions. But its results are lasting. After about three to six treatments, your lady ‘stache should be gone for good!

Be sure to speak to your medical health professional about your excess facial hair. She will be able to determine its cause and recommend the most effective treatment.

No more hair there with LaserAway

The hair on the upper lip is incredibly common in women. It may owe to an overproduction of male hormones or a medical condition known as hirsutism — excessive hair growth on your face, chest, and back. Also, your genetics may be to blame, as may certain medications you happen to be taking.

Whatever the cause of your lady ‘stache, you don’t have to live with it. With laser hair removal you could see as much as 90% of it gone in as few as three to six treatments.

Your go-to source for laser hair removal is LaserAway.

We offer many highly effective laser and dermatological services. And our trained, experienced, and certified staff use only innovative techniques and cutting-edge laser technology. They strive to make your experience comfortable, enjoyable, and satisfying.

Want to learn more about laser hair removal? Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today by emailing or calling us (888) 965-2737.