Hair Removal

About Electrolysis

Electrolysis is a method of hair removal that utilizes an electrical pulse to destroy the hair follicle’s ability to grow hair. During the process, a needle is inserted into one hair follicle at a time; an electrical current is then sent through the needle into the root of the follicle. The heat from this electrical current is what actually disrupts the growth cycle of the hair. Electrolysis is performed on one hair at a time and in a series of sessions over months or years, depending on the amount of hair in an area and its coarseness. Typically, you pay one price per session, which is based on how much the electrologist – person trained to administer electrolysis – charges per hour.

Types of Electrolysis

Though electrolysis methods weren’t varied when the process was first invented over 100 years ago, technology has, fortunately, improved. Now there are three basic types that your electrologist can use to combat your specific hair type.

  • Galvanic electrolysis initiates a chemical reaction via salt and water in the hair follicle. These compounds around the probe turn into sodium hydroxide, or lye, which eats away hair.
  • Thermolysis electrolysis employs shortwave radio frequency to target water molecules in the follicle, heating them up. This heat generation damages hair growth enough that it typically doesn’t grow back.
  • Blend electrolysis involves using both Galvanic and Thermolysis methods. By utilizing the power of both, if one type doesn’t work, the other will.

Cost of Treatment

Electrolysis prices vary; the price is typically set by the electrologist or facility. You can call to check the price before seeking a consultation. After your consultation, you will be given an estimate of how many sessions you will need to permanently reduce the hair growth in your selected area. Larger areas with thicker, coarser hair will require more treatments, and therefore cost more in the long run. Even the upper lip might need a great deal of treatments – anywhere from 15 up to 40. The price is usually given per treatment session, so you will need to multiply that amount with the recommended number of sessions.