Hair Removal

How To Remove Unwanted Facial Hair

Do you have hair on your upper lip, chin, and cheeks? If you do, chances are you have hirsutism.

“Hirsutism” is just a fancy term for excessive hair growth on your face, chest, and back. In women, it usually owes to overproduction of male hormones called androgens, the most prominent of which is testosterone. It can also be attributed to genetics or certain medications. Syndromes like polycystic ovary syndrome and Cushing’s syndrome can cause it as well.

If you find you’re hairier than the gals around you, you should get checked out by a medical professional. Only she can rule out any life-threatening conditions.

Up to 5 percent of women in the U.S. suffer from hirsutism. It’s more common in women of Middle Eastern, Asian, and Mediterranean extraction. Here are some of hirsutism’s causes:

  • Hormones. As mentioned above, hirsutism is linked to high levels of male hormones called androgens. Most women have low levels of these. The signs of having higher levels are excess facial hair, acne, a deep voice, and small breasts.
  • Medical conditions. Such conditions as polycystic ovary syndrome and Cushing’s syndrome can cause excess facial hair. Polycystic ovary syndrome causes small cysts to form on your ovaries, whereas Cushing’s syndrome results from elevated cortisol levels in your body. Tumors on your adrenal glands or ovaries can also cause excess facial hair.
  • Medications. Medications like anabolic steroids, Rogaine, and Danocrine can produce excess facial hair.

No matter the reason, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Here are some way of reducing the amount of hair on your face:

  • Weight loss. Did you know that overweight women tend to make more male hormones? If you lose weight, your body will produce fewer, and this will result in less facial hair.
  • Shaving. This isn’t an ideal treatment, but it’ll help you to control your facial hair growth. Some women get razor burn from shaving too often, and you may need to shave daily to avoid stubble.
  • Tweezing, waxing, and threading. All these methods may be painful and cause redness, but they pluck the hair out at the root. This means you won’t have to do them so often.
  • Depilatories. With this method, you apply a cream to your face that destroys hair on the surface of the skin. Then you wipe it off. Depilatories can irritate the skin, though, so you do need to be careful.
  • Electrolysis. This procedure zaps hair at the root with an electric current. You’ll need to repeat the process a few times to permanently remove hair.
  • Birth control pills. These make your body produce fewer male hormones. With regular use, you should see less facial hair.
  • Vaniqa. This face cream slows hair growth wherever you apply it.

And Then There’s Laser Hair Removal!

Laser hair removal allows you to permanently remove your unwanted facial hair safely, effectively, and quickly. It can take as few as four sessions. Best of all, you’ll never have to experience ingrown hairs, razor burn, or thickened hair follicles ever again.

Compared to other facial hair removal techniques, such as waxing, tweezing and shaving — all of which can be painful, tedious and time-consuming — laser hair removal is fast, effective and offers permanent hair reduction. It is also attended by fewer complications like ingrown hairs, razor burn, and nicks. Only laser hair removal can effectively and comfortably remove facial hair.

Laser hair involves laser light pulses that selectively destroy hair follicles by targeting the melanin in them. A hair follicle’s pigment absorbs the laser’s light pulse, damaging the follicle enough to significantly slow down hair regrowth. The lasers target melanin. This means that coarse, dark hair and light skin combinations tend to respond best to treatment.

Advanced laser technology makes facial hair removal fast and virtually painless. Laser hair removal isn’t a painful procedure for most people. But clients who have sensitive skin can ask for a topical anesthetic prior to treatment. Fifteen minutes later, your unsightly facial hair is gone!

Prior to a laser hair removal session, you’ll be given protective eye gear and an elective topical anesthetic. At the start of the session, you’ll feel a stinging sensation. This is how you’ll know that the laser has been activated.

The actual session involves a series of laser impulses that result in a prickling and a burning sensation similar to that of a rubber band snapping against your skin.

After your laser hair removal session, you may experience temporary swelling and redness. Though most likely you’ll be able to resume your normal activities, you must avoid direct sun exposure. And you should wear sunblock with a high SPF for several weeks afterward.

Though complications are rare, they may still occur. The most common are blisters, swelling, redness, and scarring. On rare occasions, scarring may be permanent.

Most clients see desired results after the fourth treatment. But results may not always be permanent. Occasionally, the hair follicles repair themselves, allowing hair to grow back in treated areas. When this happens, you’ll need a touch-up treatment every year or two.

No more hair there with LaserAway

Since opening our West Hollywood location in 2006, we’ve used data and technology to establish our standard for lasers and aesthetics. At LaserAway you can be sure you’ll receive the best treatment available. We believe in using cutting-edge laser technology and techniques to make your dermatological experience enjoyable.

So don’t hesitate to contact us. You’ve got nothing to lose but unwanted hair.

If you would like to learn more about LaserAway’s laser facial hair removal services or schedule a free, no-obligation consultation, please visit us at or call us at (888) 965-2737.



Hirsutism: Causes, Treatments for Excessive Hairiness in Women.” WebMD 2014. Accessed April 23, 2016.
Laser hair removal.” Mayo Clinic. Accessed April 23, 2016.
Myers C. “Heavy Facial Hair?” LivingHealthy 2016. Accessed April 23, 2016.