Tattoo Removal

What You Need to Know About Tattooing Over a Laser Removed Tattoo

Can I Tattoo Over a Laser Removed Tattoo?

Tattoos are a popular form of self-expression, but they are not always decisions that stand the test of time. That’s where laser tattoo removal comes in! And contrary to popular belief, if you change your mind later on and decide you’d like to get another tattoo in the same area, it is 100% safe to do so. There is also no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to laser tattoo removal — you can choose full removal or tattoo cover-up, depending on your specific tattoo and aesthetic goals. In either case, you can still tattoo over the laser-removed tattoo.

Choosing between complete removal vs fading

When it comes to laser tattoo removal, there are two main options to choose from: complete removal and fading:

  • Full Removal: This method aims to erase all traces of the original tattoo. It’s an ideal choice if you no longer wish to have ink on a particular body part. This option seeks total clearance, best suited for black ink and older tattoos.
  • Tattoo Fading: This approach lightens or fades your current tattoo, making way for a new design. It’s effective on various types of tattoos and often requires fewer sessions than full removal.

The choice between full removal and cover-up depends on factors like ink type, depth, and personal goals. We at LaserAway offer both full laser tattoo removal and laser tattoo fading for cover-ups at all of our clinics. Our skilled clinicians can help you decide which option is right for you.

The science behind laser tattoo removal

If you regret your tattoo or want a redesign, laser tattoo removal can help! Laser tattoo removal targets the pigments in the skin’s dermis layer. Using Q-switch lasers, known for their high peak power, the procedure breaks down the tattoo pigments into small fragments. These are then naturally absorbed and eliminated by the body. The precision of Q-switch lasers ensures the surrounding skin remains unaffected, making it a safe and effective method for ink removal. Our LaserAway clinics only use the most cutting-edge Q-switch technologies to ensure you achieve the best possible results from your treatments.

Who’s an ideal candidate for laser tattoo removal?

Laser tattoo removal can fade and remove most tattoos safely and effectively. However, the efficacy varies based on a few factors:

  • Tattoo Age and Color: Older, darker tattoos respond better to removal. Bright, colorful tattoos, especially recent ones, might not be fully removable, making them more suitable for a tattoo cover-up.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Non-smokers with a healthy lifestyle tend to see quicker results

The timeline for getting a new tattoo over a laser-removed tattoo

The journey from removal to re-tattooing requires some patience. How come? The removal process involves multiple sessions with a minimum eight-week gap between them for the body to slowly eliminate the pigment fragments. For optimal results, our clinicians recommend that you complete the necessary number of sessions and wait until the treated skin fully heals, which can take about eight weeks post the final session, before getting a new tattoo.

When it comes to laser tattoo removal, you have tons of options

Bottom line: laser tattoo removal offers versatility for those looking to completely remove or creatively modify their tattoos. While the process requires patience and several treatments, it ultimately allows for placing a new tattoo in the same area. However, ensuring the treated area is fully healed before re-tattooing is vital to achieving the best outcome for your new tattoo. With careful planning, laser tattoo removal can be a gateway to reinventing your body art. Want to learn more about laser tattoo removal? Reach out to one of our treatment specialists here.