Hair Removal

What Should I Do After a Laser Hair Removal Session?

How to care for your skin after laser hair removal

There’s a reason why so many people choose laser hair removal — not only can it permanently reduce body hair, but it can save a lot of time and money in the long term compared to other hair removal methods, like shaving. Remember that laser hair removal is an investment that should be protected, and what you do after each session can significantly affect your results and comfort. Here’s a comprehensive guide to post-laser hair removal care to ensure you get the best results possible from your LaserAway treatments. 

What to do immediately after your session

The first 24 hours post-treatment are crucial for your skin’s recovery. To minimize discomfort and avoid complications:

  • Avoid Heat and Sweat: Skip the gym, sauna, or any activity that increases body temperature and causes sweating. Why? Because heat can exacerbate skin sensitivity and swelling.
  • Wear Loose Clothing: Tight or restrictive garments can irritate the treated area. Opt for soft, breathable fabrics that don’t rub against your skin.

The first few days following LHR

The initial three days after your laser hair removal session are important for protecting your skin as it heals. Here’s what you should focus on:

  • Sun Protection: Direct sunlight can harm sensitive skin and affect the efficacy of your treatment. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, wear wide-brimmed hats, and dress in protective clothing if you need to be outdoors.
  • Gentle Skin Care: Avoid harsh topical products like medicated washes, scrubs, or scented lotions. Opt for cool showers and pat your skin dry instead of rubbing.
  • Moisturize and Soothe: Apply a mild hydrocortisone cream mixed with a gentle emollient such as Vaseline® or Aquaphor® to soothe irritation. Do this up to three times a day to ease itching and redness.

Until your next session

Laser hair removal is a process that requires patience and care between sessions. Here’s how to maintain your skin:

  • Hair Removal: Shave if necessary, but avoid other hair removal methods like waxing or plucking, which can disrupt the treatment process.
  • Avoid Bleaching: Bleaching hair in the treated area can interfere with the laser’s ability to target hair roots effectively.

What can I expect after my laser hair removal treatment?

Understanding the LHR journey helps manage expectations and guides you through the care regimen.

  • Immediately After: It’s normal to experience redness, swelling, or itching. These symptoms indicate your skin’s response to the laser treatment.
  • 72 Hours Later: Any side effects typically subside, and the skin begins to normalize. The hair will still appear to grow as it is ejected from the follicle.
  • 1 – 3 Weeks After: You’ll notice hair shedding and a reduction in hair density. This is your treatment starting to show its effects.
  • 4-6 Weeks After: As new hair growth cycles begin, it’s time for your next session to target more hair follicles.

With each subsequent treatment, expect less hair regrowth, finer texture, and smoother skin.

How to manage common side effects

Despite best efforts, some patients may experience minor side effects. Here’s how to address them:

  • For Laser Bumps and Swelling: Apply a mix of hydrocortisone cream and a soothing agent like Aloe Vera gel. Use cold packs to reduce swelling and avoid heat and tight clothing.
  • For Redness, Swelling, or Discomfort: The same treatment as for laser bumps applies—gentle moisturization, cold packs, and avoiding heat.
  • For Itching: Hydrocortisone cream and antihistamines can relieve itching. Remember, don’t scratch!

Set yourself up for success

Proper post-treatment care is essential for the success of your laser hair removal treatments. That’s why you should follow the above guidelines to protect your skin, achieve optimal results, and ensure you’ll experience a smoother, more pleasant experience. Want to learn more about what laser hair removal can do for you? Reach out to one of our treatment specialists here.